Initiation Challenges
Initiation Challenges
Initiation of an activity is hard for those like me. Like a faulty remote control that stops working when you want to watch something widely anticipated, our body’s control system stops working at inopportune times. The result can potentially be our motivation coming into question and stereotypes about us perpetuated.
The main loss in all of this is one of trust. People stop trusting our abilities and we start questioning our life purpose. The effects can be very calamitous. No life possibilities present nicely in that state. Perhaps the mental state can even get into life long depression.
The best way to arrest this slide is for a paradigm shift in how our mind body disconnect is viewed. It should almost never be viewed as a motivation question.and there should always be an assumption of competence in our body’s abilities. Power of unconditional love and support cannot also be overstated in this case.
The understanding of all of this is still evolving in all the different professional areas. There are some approaches around coaching the body that help. It is very much a work in progress though. For now we probably need to rely on the art of human kindness and spirit while science catches up.