I love movement in general. Not in the traditional sense but in a relative sense of the term. For example, moving my hands in front of my eyes is considered as movement in my classification. I find a lot of joy in movement. It grounds me to experience other joys of life. It helps me see the world in unique and different ways.
Many times, light might seem mostly dark when I am not moving. Images and perceptions become clearer and sharper on the move. I sometimes experience joyful hallucinations with a spectacular array of lights. Other times, rapidly lose focus of objects that were clear moments ago.
My body freezes with loud sounds or when I have crippling anxiety about a task that needs me to do something uncomfortable. I struggle to initiate movement when I freeze and need love, patience and very intentional motor coaching to get out of it.
Put simply, my movement journey through life looks less like that of a perfect sprinter but more like the mighty pursuit of a turtle that does not want to get hit by car while crossing the road, may not be linear but is the essential survival mechanism.